Care For Your Leather Camera Strap

Having bought your leather camera strap and fitted it to your camera you're possibly thinking that's it... just plug and play, so to speak.  And in almost all circumstances you can just about do that.  You're purchasing a quality product, made lovingly by hand and with almost all of our products being finished with beeswax and other natural oils they will provide you with many years service.

However, it's always worth taking care of your strap to get the best from it, and making sure your investment lasts.

Inspecting your leather camera strap

On a regular basis it pays to check your strap over.  Keep an eye out for cuts or nicks in the leather, that could eventually lead to the strap failing.  Leather is a strong material, however due diligence in checking your strap over is worth paying a little attention to.  If you do find a cut in your strap we would recommend you replace it straight away.  The last thing you want is a strap to fail whilst you're out with it.

All of the leather we use for our products is high quality veg tan leather sourced locally in the UK.  The leather we choose is tanned and dyed and therefore there is a minimal chance that in very damp or humid conditions the dye may run. Being from England, of course I have yet to experience this, but I would ask that you bear this in mind when using your strap in such conditions and consider the clothing that may come into contact with your strap.

If you happen to get your strap wet (something that happens in the UK a lot!), please allow it to dry naturally. By forcing the leather to dry you run the risk of the leather cracking.

Finally, we would advise the occasional use of a good quality leather oil or wax to keep your strap in great condition.  By using a little wax or oil sparingly, your strap will retain its suppleness and softness giving many years service to you.

If you have any further questions or comments regarding strap care, then please don't hesitate to contact us.