Leather Camera Straps for Wedding Photographers

As a wedding photographer on their feet all day with little rest, having a comfortable strap system to rely on is an important part of the camera gear package.

Some wedding photographers choose to go with a clip system that attaches to either the belt of their trousers or on a separate belt.  This option works well if you're touting a mirrorless/lightweight system, but in use with larger sized DSLR's this becomes more unmanageable. It's either uncomfortable or in the worst case scenario you could end up with your trousers around your ankles, just at the most inconvenient time!

Dual Leather Camera Strap

Dave Young, a Worcestershire Wedding Photographer uses one of our custom made leather dual strap systems which appear to be very popular amongst wedding photographers today.  In deference to our range of leather camera straps, we don't promote our dual leather camera straps on the site, and each is made only to order.

Custom Made Dual Leather Camera Strap

Each strap is totally custom made with the option of colour, leather type and size all available for any customer who enquires.  dual leather camera strap systems offer wedding photographers a simple way to move through a wedding day with little fuss or the need to keep changing cameras.  They also offer the easy way to keep your cameras close to you, rather than popping a camera down on the nearest surface whilst using a second camera.

In use David Young Photography, keeps two camera bodies with a 35mm lens on one body and an 85mm on a second camera.  This two lens set up is becoming quite popular as the focal length spread across these two lens options provides a moderately wide option and a more traditional portrait focal length.

Leather Camera Strap Custom Made

With the option to adjust our dual leather camera systems thanks to the simple belt system, it's possible to position your cameras just where you want them on your body, and with the spread of weight more even, at the end of a day your back is thanking you!  We are also able to customise straps with additional clips and rings, for use with a third camera or accessories.  

Available in a range of colours, our dual camera straps can be made to a length you need along with a width that's comfortable for you.  Traditionally, a lot of dual leather camera strap systems are 1.5" (38mm) in width, however if you're looking for a lighter weight option for smaller sized DSLR's and mirrorless compact systems thinner straps, such as 30" are available on request.

Dual Leather Camera Strap Harness

Each strap fits to the tripod screw hole on your camera and comes with safety retainers to make a secondary attachment to your camera body. 

If you are looking for a custom made dual leather camera strap, why not get in touch with us today to discuss your requirements.  For more information on our range of standard camera straps, why not visit our shop today.

More information on the wedding photography services, packages and social media links from Dave Young can be found below.

Website:  David Young Photography
Instagram: Dave Young Photo
Twitter: David Young Photography