Summer Savings With 595strapco

Well, as Summer is officially here - we know it is as the Ashes (a Cricket game between England & Australia that England invariably lose) has started and Wimbledon has come and gone, we thought it would be pretty cool if we did a summer promotion for our leather camera straps to give back something for all the good we've had given us over the past few months.

We were considering just applying a coupon code to just a selection of our straps, but then we thought what the heck, let's include all of 'em as then you guys get the best of it! So here it is... a whopping 20% off any strap you order from us for the whole of the summer!  All you got to do is choose your strap, add it to your shopping cart, and then add the "summer20" coupon code in and you instantly get 20% off the price.  

Couldn't be much easier to get a great saving on that leather camera strap you've always fancied could it? Our "on black" leather camera wrist straps are included and so are our leather camera neck straps - in fact, as we've already said, everything is - so don't be shy, if you fancy a strap grab one now - grab it for your holidays, for your vacation or just grab it cos you can - at the great price it is.... cos come the Autumn you're going to be disappointed the Summer's gone, and you're going to be fed up cos there's no 20% saving on our straps too!

If you need a hand or some advice on what to go for, simply drop us a line at 595strapco@gmail.com and we'll do our best to talk you through the options. Now.... go get yourself that bargain leather camera strap you've always promised yourself!