Wrist Strap or Neck Strap, What’s Your Choice?

Here in the 595strapco studio we’ve been debating the pro’s and cons of leather camera wrist straps v leather camera neck straps and still can’t decide which we prefer when it comes down to a day out shooting.

Of course, we have the benefit of being able to choose both, but we wondered what the preference is for those who are simply choosing one option. Whilst a perfectly crafted custom leather camera wrist strap may look the ideal option and offers advantages such as the camera being close to hand at all times for those quick ‘point and fire’ images when you want them, a great quality leather neck strap, not only looks the part, but also offers a little more flexibility particularly if you’re out all day and wandering around.

Indeed our option is often to reach for an XL long, which we can use almost as a sling type product so rather than simply going around the neck, it fits across the body meaning we can slide the camera out of the way when not in use. With a premium quality neck strap the consideration to make is the extra bulk of the item.

Ours are made from 3.0mm leather, in a dependable ½” width for comfort and security, so they can be a little larger than the standard nylon/webbing strap normally supplied with a camera. However, this is offset with the awesome looks, and excellent longevity you get from one of our neck straps, which will give many years service to you.

So, it’s a tough choice knowing which to choose. Our advice would be to take a close look at the type of camera you’re using, and how you use it. If you’re using a smaller sized 4/3rd’s or a CSC such as a Fuji X100 or similar, a wrist strap makes the ideal accompaniment, whilst a classic analogue film camera or larger CSC with zoom lens may make a better choice for a neck strap.

Personally we’ll stick with the twin option, so we’re covered on all angles, but we’d love to hear what your favourite type of strap is, neck or wrist strap and the reasons why.